Your wedding will be (or we at least hope it will be!) a genuinely once-in-a-lifetime occasion, so you will naturally want it to feel that way. It’s therefore vital to set the most romantic note from the very earliest stage – with the invitations that you send out to your friends and family.
Once you’ve set a date for your nuptials, get online here at Get Stamped and start rustling up the ideal stamp design for your invitations. Don’t worry if you’re not quite sure what ‘style’ you fancy, as we’ve already got quite a few here for you to choose from.
It’s all about that loving, handmade feel
The day on which you tie the knot with your beloved needs to feel really special, and you’ll signal this to everyone you invite when you make good use of our custom hand-drawn designs or personalised save the date stamps.
You might opt for a couples portrait, for example, showing hand-drawn images of you and your sweetie beneath the announcement, ‘save the date’, followed by your names and the date. The portraits will be done by our marvellous illustrator, Henry, and another way to keep him busy (it stops him being a nuisance) is to order a stamp showing an image of the venue for your wedding.
Alternatively, you might want to opt for something a little simpler and more understated, such as a circle, heart border or other motif that perfectly matches the aesthetic you want for your big day. Curved, curly, wreath, column, border landscape and border portrait designs are available as well.
How much easier could it get?
Once you’ve decided on the perfect stamp design, all that you have to do is provide us with your names and the date of your wedding, and we’ll get to work on creating the stamp from environmentally sourced oak.
It’s important to do all of this a good time in advance of when you will actually need the stamps, as the whole nature of bespoke personalised products makes it difficult for us to guarantee when you’ll receive them. Nonetheless, we usually send our save the date stamps by UK first class post within three to five working days of the customer placing their order.
So, what do you think? We reckon our save the date stamps are a memorable and unique cut above the norm, so get ordering now, in the knowledge that thanks to our partnership with the charity One Tree Planted, you and your honey also be doing your bit to protect the planet we all love.